The foreigners in Beijing who wants to buy a car became more diffculty since the goverment issued new regulation to control the traffic.
The foreigners (except diplomatic) the same as local citizen should enter for lottery to get a car plate.
Car Solution listed some details to assist foreigners apply for car plate.
What documents do foreigners offer to apply for lottery of car quota?
The foreigner who has no car under his name in Beijing, can apply for lottery. The proposer should offer papers as following for lottery:
Foreigner Permanent Residence Permit.
Passport with one year residence permit and One year or above one year temporary residence form (which you can get from the local police station where you are living in Beijing)
How to apply for lottery of car quota?
First time apply for lottery, please visit the website of government(,click新购车辆填报”→“个人新购车辆填报” to fill in the application form, and set password, you will get an application code after finish the application. You may use the( application code and password )or (mobile No. and password) to log in the website system to check, amend or print result.
How to cancel the application of lottery?
Who wants to cancel the application of lottery can visit the website (, use the ( application code and password )or (mobile No. and password) log in, click “取消申请”(it means "cancel application"). Or take your related documents which you used for application to go to the local Lottery Service Office to cancel it.
All the approved application will be kept in the lottery pool on 25th in each month , 26th will be lottery day, the application can not be canceled in this two days.
When the proposer can check the result of application? How to check it?
The application before 12pm on 8th every month, can check on the website( after 9 am on 25th every month, use the ( application code and password )or (mobile No. and password) log in know the result of application log in. The approved application can enter for lottery on 26th ever month.
When and How to check the result of lottery?
On 26th every month, the lottery start at 10am, after 12pm, you can visit the (, use the ( application code and password )or (mobile No. and password) log in system to check the result of lottery, or call 12580 to check the result, or to go to the local Lottery Service office to check..
The approved application who failed lottery will self-move to the next lottery within expire date.
How to check the expire date of application code? How to extend the period of validity
Visit the (, use the ( application code and password )or (mobile No. and password) log in system, you will see the tin clue on the page, Please read it carefully.
Within the expire date, you can see a “确认延期”(it means “extend period of validity”)
It is a activity status, a period of validity is 3 month, it can be clicked once in an period of validity. It will become a unavailable status., the expire date will extend for 3 month basic on the normal period of validity after approved the application.
If the proposer did not click the “确认延期” with the period of validity, the proposer can visit the (, use the ( application code and password )or (mobile No. and password) log in system, the application status became “申请已取消”(it means the application was canceled), you can see the clue meanwhile : the expire date of the application is xxxxx,, need reapply for lottery, please click “重新申请”(it means “reapply”)
How to apply for back checking for the failed application?
The proposer can Visit the (, use the ( application code and password )or (mobile No. and password) log in system to check the information of the application form to check if there is a mistake, if there is a mistake, please click “取消申请”(it means “cancel application”),relog in the systerm and click “重新申请”(it means“reapply”)to amend the information and resubmit.
How to print out <Confirmation Letter of Winning Lottery>? How long it is for the period of validity?
The winner of lottery can use the ( application code and password )or (mobile No. and password) log in system to print out the lucky letter, or pick up it from the local Lottery Service office.
The <Confirmation Letter of Winning Lottery> is valid for 6 month., since you win the lottery.